Attack of the Show ANW3 Preview

Here’s a good segment that aired on Attack of the Show about American Ninja Warrior 3 that starts airing this Sunday. Particularly note the interview with Tre Sussy Vaughn, the fastest competitor in the opening round of American Ninja Warrior 2, as he talks about the slippery-ass quadruple steps and then they show the clip of him falling on it. His experience mirrors my own which you can read about in my “Death by Wetuple Steps” entry. I was surprised that they featured this “uneven” obstacle from the competitive standpoint, I thought they’d pretend the steps were so tough that great competitors like Tre (who is in a totally different league from me) would fall on it. Tune in to ANW3 to see a few other top guys fall in the same place, as well as other competitors dial in some amazing performances.

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