Just Waiting by the Phone…

Just waiting by the phone, all alone, hoping for a call. With less than 2 weeks before the regional competitions in Dallas, the excitement and anticipation is getting pretty extreme. Not just for me, but for all aspiring competitors. And with the first day of regionals in Los Angeles today, and some of my ninja brethren running on the course at this very moment, it suddenly feels tangible and on the horizon, yet still far from my reach. All I can be is patient, and politely and promptly provide the hard-working casting folks whatever information and forms they need. And cross my fingers. And ask for good karma from anybody who will send it my way.

The release forms for ANW4 are some serious business, and my desire to stay on the “right side” of compliance in disclosing information means that I’ll be providing pretty much no specific information from here on out about my, or anybody else’s, experience in the competition until it airs and is public information. While I enjoy blogging about my obsession to compete in American Ninja Warrior, the actual competing in American Ninja Warrior is much more important than blogging about it! So forgive me if my posts from here on out are few-and-far-between, and stick to public information like the dates of the show airing and publicity around the event. Man…I don’t even know if I can tell you if I’ve even gotten in to compete!

Click LIKE if you are a fellow ninja waiting to hear if you’ve gotten into ANW4!

  • Arro

    You can be sure that I’m cheering you on, I hope in all hopes you make it into the competition. If you do and can’t tell us, just be sure to kick butt out there!

  • Anonymous

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_ZZODO6PD6DUCVJEGLGOTDUYKUE RavenSphere

         I as well but I can’t help but be somewhat apprehensive. As true Ninja Warrior fans I think all of us are deeply saddened by monster 9’s closing. While of coarse I will be supporting you & wishing you the best. We all have to wonder if the changes will be for the better. All I heard is that there will be several regional trials now but then what? I heard something mentioned about the finals moving to Vegas? Vegas is an interesting choice and could work if done right. Personally though I just don’t see how this is going to be the same. Will it be inside or outside? Will it only be US competitors? What story if anything will their be left? Will there be a winner for each competition or will the format remain the same?
    If they do make it that way Ninja Warrior will no longer have my support.

         I am also concerned about NBC playing a more active role this time around. At least with G4 they know where the fan base is. I doubt NBC’s broadcast last year was from new fans. Sure there may have been some but they would be wise not changing the history. It could still be something special but that will require some insight on G4’s part. Ninja Warrior is an international competition. There are fans from across the globe and turning it into an American only show will kill it for me. Not only that but it it could alienate the fan base if we don’t try to keep the legacy alive. If anything why not expand it and make it even bigger. Why not do the same like what Japan did for us.

         After all it is only right as we were guests and were given that opportunity. Many of those guys are why I continue to strive to be a ninja warrior. I know many of you feel the same. Sure it is everyone goal to be the first American Ninja Warrior but somehow I think it won’t mean as much if we completely change it. I have been considering writing NBC and expressing my feelings on this. I believe this could be a breakout hit for them but it also risks destroying what has made Sasuke what it is today. Anyways I look forward to seeing what happens and cross my fingers that somehow this will turn out for the best. Be sure to keep us up to date on what you find out that you can share within your limits. Good luck & may the spirit of Ninja Warrior be with you. :)

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the support.  I share your concerns about how Ninja Warrior and American Ninja Warrior may evolve.  My best guess is that NBC/Comcast are trying to make American Ninja Warrior a standalone property as the future of Ninja Warrior in Japan is on very shaky ground.  I understand that they are building a mega-course in Vegas that the top 100 competitors from regionals will compete on for the “finals” that apparently will get major air-play on NBC this summer.

    I too would like it to be an international event over time, but I believe for ANW4 (this year) it will be Americans only.  If Ninja Warrior in Japan goes away, it would be great to invite the All-Stars from Japan to compete in ANW, but I don’t see that happening.  My best guess is that at least for the next couple of events it will be for Americans only.  While I am saddened by this as a viewer, I’m just glad that at least somewhere somehow there will be a crazyass obstacle course for me to throw myself at!

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  • Mcc6922

    Hey bro! Need some guidance and help. I enjoyed reading ur blogs. do u know where I send my ninja warrior video? I sent my application already and was confused on what I have to do next. my email is mcc6922@aol. write me if u get some time. thanks for the help!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks.  Right now they are not accepting applications for the next season.  I’d keep checking the G4TV site for info on that, but to be honest I expect the next window to apply won’t be until early 2013 for a spring competition.  That’s my best guess.  But in the meantime I can say with 100% certainty that they aren’t accepting applications at the moment.